Consortium Governance

The Specify Collections Consortium is led by a Board of Members (BoM) comprised of institutional representatives from all Membership Levels.  Founding Partners are guaranteed up to two permanent seats on the BoM and an additional six rotating seats filled from the Full, Associate, and Solutions membership complete the body. The Board may also call up to four External Members, who are representatives of non-member organizations and act in an advisory capacity. The BoM meets a minimum of four-times per year and is responsible for the vision and oversight for the organization.  

The Board of Members is advised by two additional groups to identify priorities for new capabilities, hosting and support services; a Technical Advisory Committee and a Science Advisory Committee. Founding Members are designated a permanent seat on both the Technology, and Science Advisory Committees. Up to eight additional members fill rotating seats and are selected from the Full, Associate, and Solutions Membership, with priority offered to Full Members of the SCC. Up to three External Members from outside of the Consortium may be seated for renewable one-year terms. 

Members of our current Board of Members and Advisory Committees are listed on this page. If you are affiliated with a Member institution and would like to be considered for a seat or have a nomination you would like the BoM to consider please email us at