The Specify Collections Consortium announces the availability of an update release, Specify 6.7.03.

This is a maintenance release to fix a small number of engineering issues, and to restore integration of the OpenStreetMap tile service that produces the map base layer within the GEOLocate plug-in. Thanks to Nelson Rios for assistance. We also updated code in the MacOS versions to bring them up-to-date with Apple software changes.

This release does not modify the Specify database schema. A Specify 6 update later this summer will make schema changes. If Consortium members have database schema modification recommendations, please email them to, or use the forum on this site.

We recommend that Specify 6 Windows users install one of the two 64-bit Specify versions for better performance on workstations running 64-bit Windows.

See the 6.7.03 Release Notes for technical details.

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